Mi‑Assets: At a Glance
Enter individual record or upload from spreadsheet through registry import
Desktop application for offline access
Maintain assets and resources of various types
Upload photo of the asset
Designate organizations for coordination and emergency for an asset
Dynamic contact information linked back to other i-INFO Applications (Mi-People, Mi-Profile)
Classify assets and maintain attribute information using national standards
Group related assets into structure with multiple levels
Option to share assets with other jurisdictions within the region and beyond
Quickly create new asset/entire structure by copying from another
Keep track of maintenance records
Enter asset locations with street address or GPS points with option to display on Mi-Maps
Using the Asset function, authorized users can easily enter, maintain and share (or keep private) information about any type of asset, including facilities, vehicles/fleets, equipment and supplies. Detailed asset records can be maintained for in-service items, as well as reserve inventory or replacement items. This includes both the assignment of personnel to major assets, as well as the assignment of assets, such as radios, weapons and other equipment to specific personnel.
Tiered Mutual Aid Assets
Each member agency can register resources available for local, regional or state-wide mutual aid. Using the sharing options, licensed agencies can work across the network to support mutual aid plans with other agencies by pre-sharing resources and updating resources during emergencies. Private (unshared) resources can be entered in the system by individual agencies for day-to-day management, tracking and maintenance.
Public / Private Infrastructure
An inventory of key public or private resources, such as radio towers, public notification sirens and fire hydrants, as well as critical infrastructure for road, water and wastewater systems can be maintained by any agency within the network. The system can map each resource to an address or the exact lat/long GPS point and provide the ability to track the current condition, maintenance plans and periodic inspections for each asset.
At-Risk Facility Registration
Registering at-risk facilities and vulnerable populations ensures they are included in emergency planning and exercises and can be given proper assistance during an emergency. These often include traditional high-risk CIKR facilities and may also include pre-school, childcare and adult daycare facilities, as well as senior housing and long term care facilities.
Private Sector Key Resources
Critical infrastructure groups and other private sector businesses can register and maintain their organizational information and key resources within the network. Whether a public or private sector registration, the system will map these agencies to provide information related to any specific need and provide 24/7 contact information for quick access to these resources.