Mi‑Calendars: At a Glance
Set up one or more calendars
Create calendar events by type
Community Events
Single- or multiple-day events
Add formatted text / images to events
Both list & calendar views available
Multiple sub events (tracks) can link to a master event
Option to link to an appointment type event (Mi-Events)
Notify event contacts when someone registers
Auto close registration when sign-ups reach maximum
Event Publishing
Preview event before publishing
Publish event to calendar
with or without online registration
as link to redirect user to another site
Ability to publish event on a future date
The Mi-Calendars function allows designated users to create calendar events and send out notifications for meetings, trainings and conferences. The function also provides registration/tracking of activities including tracking attendance and follow up.
Calendar Management
Use Mi-Calendars to maintain internal or community calendars for meetings, trainings, conferences and community events. Multiple agencies can publish to shared community calendars. Track attendance by type--staff, volunteers or guests. Limit event attendance as open to the pulblic or by invitation only. Automatically close registration when maximum attendance limits are reached, or allow registration to be optional.
Event Registration / Tracking
Use the system to automatically create attendee lists from reegistrants for planning and attendance tracking. Autmatically add events to registrant's calendars and send reminders as the date of the event draws closer.
System Integration
Mi-Calendar integrates with other registry applications to streamline participant sign-up. Use the communicator to reach registrants and attendees before, during and after the event by text, email, voice and by mobile app. Send attachments of forms, agendas, presentations or attendance certificates. Publish Mi-Calendar on existing dashboards or websites to keep employees, volunteers or the community at large aware of upcoming events.