Mi‑Documents: At a Glance
Access from anywhere, any device with an Internet connection
Direct entry or upload through registry
Keep current version published while newer version is in-work
Upload any document or insert link to any website or web form
Organize documents and links for quick access
by keywords, by categories and file folders
Version Control
Group membership optionally updated from other functions
Contact information updated as person or agency makes changes
Web Publishing
Create & publish one or more web portals
Publish originals or alternate documents (e.g. PDF)
Publish as public or secured document
Directly link any document to any webpage / email
Limit access to one or more persons in a specific group
Limit document access via portal login only
Scheduled future publishing & sunsets
The communications function allows distribution of messages by email, text, fax, mobile app, voice broadcast, and/or voice response. Messages can be sent to key contacts and staff in any combination of individuals, organizational groups, and custom groups the user desires. Users can create templates for alerts or emergency notifications that can be used at a later date, and can send role based messages to different groups simultaneously in an emergency. The system maintains a historical record of the communications that have been sent and received, providing an alternate method of retrieving messages during disasters.
Alerts / Notifications
Whether used for emergency notifications, maintaining continuity of operations or daily organizational updates; staff members, vendors or the general public can subscribe to receive alerts and notifications, as well as other types of information or publications offered. This can include automated notices from the national weather service, based on the individual’s personal weather notice profile. The system automatically groups these subscribers as they register in the system. Additionally, customer data can be uploaded and 9-1-1 data can be used for reverse dialing any selected area within a jurisdiction.
Public / Secured Publishing
Documents maintained in the secure repository can be published to secured or unsecured portals. This allows secure information to be password restricted, while other documents can be made available to the general public via one of the many existing websites within the region. A single document can be published to one or many portals and each document can be set to grant access to one or more individuals in a group, an organization, all users or the general public
System Integration
Documents are a key resource and this management and publishing function closely interconnects with the registry and people functions and is used to complement the asset, credential, event, calendar, profile, and dashboard functions.